How to pass the time during the self-isolation
While the current crisis we are facing has caused us fear and stress, the strict lockdown rules imposed during the coronavirus outbreak have also led to many families across the world spending and enjoying more time together than usual. As with all situations there is always a silver lining to be found, even if sometimes they just take a little more finding. And how many times have you heard yourself saying that you just don’t have enough time
in the day?
Presently it seems that all we have on our hands is time. Perhaps it would be easier if we looked at the lockdowns and isolation as a perfect opportunity for creativity, playing, learning new things, and spending quality time to take care of yourself and connect with your loved ones at home.
It is however true to say that the enforced lockdown without a clear end in sight is difficult to deal with mentally, and keeping ourselves locked inside for long periods of time is frustrating at the best of times. In this edition of our newsletter, we would like to help you and your family in your battles with isolation frustration. We hope the following tips and ideas from the Secret Retreats community will help you to make the most of this downtime.