This experience was worth the long car journey and really made the holiday to Cambodia special. We arrived on the 1st October and from the moment we stepped onto the complimentary boat the relaxation began. The luxury of the tents astounded us, I especially wasn’t expecting such a decent water pressure from the shower, to be able to lie in bed and just look out onto the river was unique. Another surprise was the variety of fresh food available, the daily changing set menu was wonderful. We did both the fire fly and waterfall excursions, should the weather have been better we would have jumped at the sunset trip too, the waterfall was brilliant fun and exhilarating. However what really made the trip for me was the people and their stories. The activities coordinator had such interesting stories to tell, I thoroughly enjoyed the trip to his island, on the way back from the waterfall, where we met the locals and shared some fresh coconut. Seeing first hand how they live and discussing their hopes for their country was extremely thought provoking. Our last evening will be one I will never forget, from further discussions with staff about their views on the development of Cambodia, to our beautiful dinner over looking the water, I was already missing the resort when the staff all came out to play their guitars and sing for us, it was simply a fantastic experience, one I have not stopped raving about since returning. If you want to experience the hidden side of Cambodia or simply want to get away from it all for a while you really must stay here. Thank you all for making my holiday an unforgettable experience I truly do miss each of you
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Secret Retreats is a curated community of independent boutique hotel, villas, yachts and river boats keen to share their Asian Homes with travelers, sustainably and responsibly.
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A community of like-minded hospitality professionals, we offer our guests authentic travel experiences that go beyond typical offerings to unveil the essence of Asia. Supporting the Asia based hoteliers and hospitality professionals and providing incredible holidays in Asia and tailor-made Asia travel itineraries direct to public ad travel agents.
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