If you really like great food cooked by passionate and friendly people, this is the restaurant you’re looking for. The food is first and foremost delicious. But it’s everything else that really makes this place shine. They focus on local ingredients, used with a modern sensibility in dishes that are still recognizably Thai. (Even having eaten around Thailand there was plenty we were unfamiliar with.) Each fantastic course comes with a chat with the chef – as brief or extensive as you want. These are people who want to share their love for their food with you. Honestly, as foodies, this is the meal we’d been looking for since we arrived.
Travel Asia with Secret Retreats
Secret Retreats is a curated community of independent boutique hotel, villas, yachts and river boats keen to share their Asian Homes with travelers, sustainably and responsibly.
Conservation of the environment, culture and traditions of Asia is of paramount importance to all in Secret Retreats.
A community of like-minded hospitality professionals, we offer our guests authentic travel experiences that go beyond typical offerings to unveil the essence of Asia. Supporting the Asia based hoteliers and hospitality professionals and providing incredible holidays in Asia and tailor-made Asia travel itineraries direct to public ad travel agents.
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