Unveiling the essence of Asia

Travelife Gold certification – Koh Jum Beach Villas


The Travelife Sustainability System was founded in 2007. It is an organization, owned by ABTA (association of British Travel Agents), that works with Travel Agents, Tour Operators and Hotels to set benchmarks and best practices to achieve Travel Industry recognized certification of a business’s social, economic and environmental impacts. The Travelife Standard contains a range of criteria that assess accommodation performance in the areas of human rights, labour, community engagement and environmental impacts, their GSTC-recognised standard was designed by the tourism industry, for the tourism industry. Their mission is to inspire and support travel industry businesses to ensure tourism has a positive impact on people (travellers, staff and local communities) and our planet.

The sustainability certification program helps accommodation providers:

               – Reduce energy use and waste to minimize costs and impact on local resources.

               – Address human rights and labour issues to enhance their reputation as good employers.

               – Improve community relations through supporting local business and culture, along with protecting wildlife and natural resources.

               – Find practical ways to benchmark, measure and report on success.

As part of a partnership between Secret Retreats and Travelife, several properties have engaged in the certification process, and we are pleased to announced that Koh Jum Beach Villas has been awarded with a Gold Certificate, validating their actions to  minimise their environmental impacts and improve the economic and social impacts for people in their community.


A quote from Ken Seibt, the owner of Koh Jum Beach Villas…

“I can say that this was not an easy task and quite time consuming but it opened our eyes on some of our procedures and forced us to become better in these areas.

These changes will be better for the environment and our bottom line.

We were doing most things correctly but inadequate documentation. We now have better SOP’s and policies to follow.”

We hope many members will realize the process offers double benefits: environment and bottom line.

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